Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The View from Down Under free essay sample

Good things come in smallpackages. Trust me, I know. All towering four feet and eleven inches of me canattest to the truth of this well-known maxim. In my opinion, I am a 17-year-oldmature, responsible girl who is about to embark on the tumultuous journey oftenreferred to as college. While this is true, many people have a difficult timebelieving it. They perceive me as a cute little girl, perhaps about to embark onthe tumultuous journey often referred to as high school. Yes, thats right, highschool. My world is full of remarks such as Arent you just thecutest little thing! and an array of nicknames that employ clever spin-offsof the word short. (Its surprising what people can come up with.)During head counts people often find it hilarious to count me as only half aperson, and almost daily I witness the disbelieving face of someone who haslearned my true age. We will write a custom essay sample on The View from Down Under or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I would be lying if I said this never bothers me.Believe me, Ive used my fair share of age-enhancing techniques: experimentingwith make-up, hair styles and a short girls best friend: big shoes. Yes, theyget the job done temporarily, but when the make-up is washed off, the hair letdown and the shoes put away, what am I left with? Me. And is that really such abad thing? No! Its taken me most of my teenage life to recognize that short doesnot equal bad and that people arent doing me any harm by thinking I look 12.These people cant help it I do look young. If I were given theopportunity to be tall, I would turn it down. It would change me. My shortnesshas given me character; its a part of me. Ive learned how to take jokes andreciprocate, but I also think twice before commenting on a persons appearancebecause I know it can hurt. Ive been there. After a period of doubt anddiscontentment, Ive finally accepted the fact that Ill forever be tellingpeople, Yes, I really am 17 (or 21, or 30). Ive learned to deal with theharsh reality that Ill be getting the kids menu at restaurants (one of the moreembarrassing hardships) even when Im well into my twenties. Oh, and one morething: my pants will always be just a little bit too long. But thats okay withme.

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